Horizon Renewable Energy Trainer

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What is included in the horizon energy curriculum? The lab equipment is just the beginning. We’ve built the horizon energy curriculum to provide teachers with multiple resources for engaging their students.
Materials provided
- Hands-on Lab Activities
- Experiment Guide
- Examining the Relationship Between Wind Velocity and Wind Turbine
- Output Voltage (Non-Loaded Operation)
- Examining the Relationship Between Wind Velocity and Wind Turbine
- Output Voltage (Loaded Operation)
- Examining the Wind Turbine Output Voltage Examining the Wind Turbine Output Voltage By Using a DAQ Module
- Examining the Wind Energy System
- Photovoltaic Panel Experiments
- Photovoltaic Panel Open Circuit Voltage Measurement
- Photovoltaic Panel Short Circuit Current Measurement
- Determining Photovoltaic Panel Current Voltage Characteristics
- Examining the Non-Loaded Output Voltage of the Photovoltaic Panel
- Depending on Daily Solar Movements
- Examining the Loaded Output Voltage of the Photovoltaic Panel
- Depending on Daily Solar Movements
- Depending on Seasonal Changes
- Examining the Series Connection in Photovoltaic Panels
- Examining the Parallel Connection in Photovoltaic Panels
- Examining the Photovoltaic Panel Simulator
- Examining the Effect of Shadow on Photovoltaic Panels
- Examining the Effect of Bypass Diodes on Photovoltaic Panels
- Examining the Effect of Mismatching on Photovoltaic Panels
- Examining the Effect of Blocking Diodes on Photovoltaic Panels
- Examining the Photovoltaic Panel Emulator
- Photovoltaic System Experiments
- Examining the Effect of Mismatching on Photovoltaic Panels
- Examining the Effect of Blocking Diodes on Photovoltaic Panels
- Examining the Photovoltaic Panel Emulator
- Photovoltaic System Experiments
- Direct Loading of the Photovoltaic Panel
- Engaging the Off-Grid Inverter (No-Load Operation)
- Setting up the Basic Photovoltaic System (DC Load)Setting up the Basic Photovoltaic System (AC Load)
- Examining the OFF_GRID Inverter Output Signal By Using the DAQ Module
- Measuring the OFF_GRID Inverter Output Signal By Using an Energy Analyser
- Measuring the Energy Received from the OFF_GRID Inverter.
- Measuring the OFF_GRID Inverter Output Power and Efficiency
- OFF_GRID Inverter SCADA Application
- Examining the ON_GRID Inverter
- Examining the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Output Current with Oscilloscope
- Examining the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Output Current with DAQ Module
- Plot U-I curve and understand the behavior of the fuel cell system
- Calculate the efficiency of the hydrogen system